Polyethylene body armor vs ceramic. The ceramic armor plates were put to use to protecting the British Challenger Tanks which reported very little resulting damage from enemy Jul 5, 2018 · Available in nine sizes and cuts, plus side plates. Weight: 5. We utilize ultra-light and ultra-strong body armor technologies previously only available to government agencies and make them available for all law enforcement, military personnel and law-abiding Feb 1, 2023 · Ceramic plates are lighter but thicker than steel. 223 55gr. If you require lightweight, multi-hit Apr 16, 2024 · It is designed to withstand armor-piercing rounds, providing maximum security in high-threat situations. 62x39 strong and had some more extensive rear deformation from M80 (7. It took Tula 7. Spartan Armor Systems® offers top-quality ceramic body armor with the Hercules Ceramic Body Armor Line, which Apr 14, 2020 · UHMWPE is the latest advancement in body armor. 95. Ceramic level 4 plates are usually made from a combination of polyethylene and aluminum oxide backed with a tough synthetic fiber. 62 mm (. Will fit most common carrier vests ( We manufacturer a full line of quality carrier vests) Leonidas Legend Plate Carrier and Hercules Xtreme Level IV Made In U. S. *** Prolonged exposure to below -15F Aug 16, 2020 · Most soft body armor have NIJ (National Institute of Justice) levels II, IIA, and IIIA, which can repel handguns. For front and/or back protection. Aug 13, 2022 · In this episode of Administrative Results we revisit the the shotty science methods and pit AR500 Steel Armor against Level 4 Ceramic Armor. Woodland Testudo Gen 3 Plate Carrier Bundle. 2. 8" thick, it comes with a 5-year warranty. 5 year lifespan. Delta Force doesn't run steel armor, they use ceramic, and there is a good reason why. Protection: . 62x54r and so much more. Ceramic is indeed heavier but the best Mr. 1. Available. For this reason, the NIJ recommends inspecting in-use body armor at least once a year. 62×39mm, has never been so light and spall-free. 00. Hard armor and bullet-proof vests incorporate hard-plate inserts made of polyethylene or ceramic composite material in soft armor vests to defeat high-velocity threats such as 7. With two options available, these particular monolithic ceramic and polyethylene armors weigh in at 7. 5 lbs and 0. RMA utilizes an alumina-oxide ceramic in our model 1155 Level 4 body armor plates and 6×6 side plates. 86″. Because of this, you will see ceramic plates that are double, triple, or even quadruple steel prices. These ultralight plates are some of the lightest on the market that still This is without a doubt, the new standard in the Level III+ body armor protection. Consider comfort, weight, threats faced, and budgetary constraints to ensure optimal protection in high-risk The P2 – Polyethylene Body Armor is made of polyethylene material and provides high-grade protection that won’t fatigue you when you’re active and won’t endanger you when you’re near water. Keep in mind a drop on the corner or edge will be more damaging than a drop on the face. 5 Lbs. For nearly three decades LTC engineers have been designing, building and delivering American Made small-arms protective inserts to the most stringent specifications, LTC has a full offering of sizes, shapes and threat levels. 3 lbs per plate (10”x12”). Level IIIA Body Armor is soft armor Aug 18, 2016 · https://www. We specifically tested Generation 2 to meet the new NIJ 0101. When considering the weight of ceramic body armor there’s often a tradeoff between weight and price, meaning that lighter plates tend to be more expensive. High molecular weight polyethylene. Two of the best hard body armor options are steel and ceramic armor. Twang n Bang via AR500 Armor. Polyethylene. 62×51 M80 Ball at 2780 At Warrior Poet Society, we carry high quality tactical body armor, body armor placards, ballistic plates and more from the top brands such as HighCom, HRT, Ace Link, Hesco, and more. Ceramic is the way to go. These Level 4 body armor plates are professionally wrapped, water resistant, and also manufactured 100% at RMA’s factory in Centerville Get the highest protection level the industry can offer with our curved, ceramic C2 multi-hit body armor from Armored Republic. This reduced weight is particularly valuable for professionals who require enhanced mobility and agility without sacrificing defense capabilities. Both level 3 body armor plates and level 4 plate ratings can be made of a variety of materials, such as ceramic and steel. UHMWPE and kevlar semi flexible body armor, NIJ compliant under NIJ-0101. Apr 2, 2018 · Experts explain the basics of body armor and 'bulletproof vests' with the best choices you can buy today for SHTF and emergency preparedness. Furthermore, this type of armor is often designed with multi-hit In body armor, where ceramic armor designers strive to make ceramic armor plates as light and as comfortable as possible, the backing material is typically a light-weight ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fiber composite, but may also be an aramid fiber composite -- and, in low-end ceramic armor plates or in plates for stationary wearers Mar 4, 2019 · All of our steel body armor and ceramic body armor selections are made for optimal protection, premium comfort and exceptional value. 30-06; Polyethylene & Ceramic; 9. Most ballistic plates have compressed polyethylene or ceramic plus a steel sheet in front. Tested to NIJ 0101. P series: Polyethylene. This standard means the armor can withstand armor-piercing . Curved design fits the user with greater comfort, and the cut upper corners (Shooter's Cut) allow for better mobility. There's Hesco 4400s and somesuch if you're wanting reputable cheap plates. Level 4 body armor is the highest level of ballistic protection available. 56 M855; or 7. Buy LEVEL 4 PLATES at low prices with delivery in online tactical gear shop ☎ 3236336009 Photo Reviews Сatalog body armor plates level 4 on the website - BATTLE STEEL. 6-5. 98. Terrific stopping power. High-Powered Rifle-Rated Protection: Ceramic armor offers the most stopping power out of all types of body armor. May 16, 2023 · Furthermore, consider the material that the ballistic armor is made from. RMA’s Level 4 body armor plate is a cost effective, multi-curve, multi-hit rated ceramic armor plate that offers full Level 4 edge-to-edge protection against 30. Civilian: Safe Life Defense, Body Armor Outlet, Galls May 1, 2023 · Body armor has evolved significantly over time. Alumina is the heaviest ceramic used in body armor, but it’s also the least expensive. Feb 22, 2023 · Ceramic body armor is a reliable and effective solution for protection against high-velocity rounds. If you're bigger you'll likely need the 11x14 plate. Level IV ceramic armor protects you against everything in levels II and III, plus: . 30 caliber armor-piercing (AP) bullets with a specified mass Oct 19, 2023 · Ceramic Body Armor Weight. Prices for Level IV Plates. 47 lbs per plate; Thickness: 1″ Armor Build: Alumina Oxide Ceramic & Polyethylene Composite; 600 Denier Water AP Armor Piercing Rounds Such as M855 62gr 5. Steel armor lasts anywhere between 5 and 10 years, while ceramic plates average between 5 and 7 years. Key Features: NIJ Level 3A protection. Choosing among them comes down to a question of cost vs. Moreover, it is lightweight and flexible, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. 8" Thick; Polyester Cover; 5 Year warranty from date of sale; Federal & state laws restrict the purchase and possession of body armor for convicted felons. RMA Armament Hard Body Armor Plate. 06 round with a tungsten penetrator. The average for steel was between 100 to 200 dollars, and the average for ceramic was between 300 to 400 dollars. This is a very broad-based review but focusses, almost exclusively, on Jan 15, 2018 · Constructed of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) creating a light weight ballistic plate. Positively buoyant, stand-alone, and multi-hit capable, the P2 plate is a true contender for those who are willing to sacrifice the May 3, 2024 · Size: 9. But what else would you expect from RMA? RMA’s Level 3+ body armor plates (models #1091-1094 Gen2) have a ceramic body armor strikeface and Dyneema® UHMWPE build. We now have 4 unique series of body armor plate types to choose from: S series: Soft. 06 certifies this armor. Thanks for considering Spartan Armor Systems for your complete personal protection requirements. The downsides of polyethylene plates are that they’re significantly thicker than steel, much more expensive than steel, and can lose ballistic integrity if they get too hot. Polyethylene Plates. 1lbs. 30 caliber) and 12. 4. When it comes to body armor materials, you've got more choices than ever. Next. It not only protects troops but allows them enough mobility to do their jobs in a hostile environment. Forms: rectangle, shooters cut and modified. Only 5. View all of our body armor: https://bit. Name. They also have smaller plates like the 8x10. We are very selective with body armor brands we carry. Steel body armor is cheaper in both material and manufacturing costs. All RMA Armament level 4 body armor plates are available to American civilians, law enforcement, and military agencies and personnel. military uses ceramic plates and Kevlar body armor. Go with PB Alpha Elite, Safariland Hardwire 64/78, Velocity VS-33A, or Crye. Polyethylene: Popular for its ability to absorb bullets upon impact. The Safe Life Defense Level 3A Vest is a popular choice for those looking for soft armor protection. 62mm armor piercing (30. 30 caliber armor-piercing (AP) bullets (U. . Level IV body armor plates are hard armor plates that are only made from composite, and are the highest rated protection under NIJ standard 0101. This specific kind of armor plate were used in operation Desert Storm although it was not used as personal body armor. It’s designed to stop rifle rounds, such as the 7. The Free Man’s protection against high Level IV. This vest is designed to provide full coverage and comfort, making it ideal for extended wear. That’s why the U. 06 rounds, and several similar calibers. Its 3D multi-curve evenly distributes weight across your body, making the armor feel lighter because it is worn better. Aug 30, 2023 · 3. The downside is that these plates are heavier, offer less coverage, and lack the flexibility of Level IIIA armor. Oct 30, 2020 · These enhanced plates, combined with the Kevlar are capable of stopping a Springfield 30. Level IV body armor is manufactured primarily from ceramic composite and can protect the wearer from extremely high velocity rounds, and armor piercing rounds, specifically 30-06 M2 armor piercing. With the same protection level, ceramic armor can be up to 50% lighter. 06 M2AP, M855A1, 7. Don’t hang by the carrier straps; this can cause unnecessary stress on the straps. Feb 4, 2021 · PE plates weigh less, float, and are effective against high velocity, non-AP or ‘green tip’ ammo. 3 inches. In our article level 3+ ceramic plates we talked about the history of hard body armor and its evolution. Deters fragmentation from projectiles. This guide covers everything you need to know about ceramic body armor, its benefits, drawbacks, and the different types available. 62mm /. These level 3a plates are single curl with a waterproof polyester cover. Most noticeably, ceramic will always be lighter. We shot them up in our standalone Ceramic & UHMWPE Body Armor review. Nov 1, 2023 · Another more recent choice when it comes to hard armor plates is the ceramic plates. 06 Level IIIa standards. Its Cordura wrap cuts weight while keeping the laminate together. The fact is, ceramic does give you some luxuries that steel doesn't, and it's used by the best of the best for a reason. At only 4. 62×51. It is designed to stop armor-piercing rifle rounds and other high-velocity projectiles like . [75] published a review of a range of polymer-matrix composites for body armor applications. Steel: The classic choice, still used for ballistic armor plates. All are highly effective. We start back with the AR500 armor series because they are that good. Whether you serve on a police squad, sheriff’s office, or SWAT team in a large city where violence and active threats arise daily or you’re in a smaller community that rarely sees such action, you’ve likely considered the question: What’s the best body armor for my needs? Look at some of the benefits of ceramic body armor to determine whether it suits you. Positive Buoyancy. In fact, you’d need a steel plate twice its weight to stop a round traveling at the same velocity. 9lbs each plate making it some of the lightest armor on the market! This Level 3 plate is designed to exceed the NIJ standard 0101. Rated at Level III Plus - capable of stopping 7. 30-06 M2AP and 7. Jul 26, 2023 · Polyethylene Body Armor Vs Ceramic Polyethylene and ceramic are two prominent materials used in body armor, each offering its unique benefits and trade-offs. ly/3x0HF May 11, 2020 · These AR500 UHMWPE plates currently retail for $320 apiece, and I’ve seen some brands as high as $699. Apr 15, 2024 · Guard Dog Body Armor UHMWPE-IIIA-PLATE: Guard Dog Body Armor’s Level IIIa 10”x12” plates are made from a combination of Alumina and PE, meeting the NIJ standard 0101. They retail dualrated TenCates for $75. Ballistic Armor Plate Level IV by Battle Steel®️. 3 pounds. Ceramic plates vary in weight, typically ranging from 4 to 10 pounds per plate, depending on the specific ceramics used and the dimensions of the finished plate. Tested independently to NIJ Level 3 standards, the P2 plate provides level 3 protection which is capable of stopping the 7. 99. May 17, 2020 · Upon impact, the resin bonds between the individual layers are broken, which disperses the force, allowing the bullet to be embedded in the material without penetrating. (Read more below) NIJ Level IV Body Armor Plate is the highest grade of body armor, surpassing the capabilities of Level III and Kevlar armor. Jun 8, 2023 · Discover the advantages and disadvantages of Kevlar and UHMWPE body armor in this comprehensive blog post. $1,657. Ceramic vs. UHMWPE's big claim to fame is it's weight. Body armor from Armored Republic is made from steel alloy, ceramic, polyethylene & aramid fabrics by free craftsmen in Phoenix, AZ. For when ounces are pounds and mobility is everything, our polyethylene (PE) P2 body armor is the choice weighing at a mere 3. From $1,689. weight. The drawback of poly plates is that the cost per plate is typically higher than steel and can often be more expensive than ceramic alternatives 2 days ago · AR500 Armor Level IV (Ceramic/PE) Body Armor. The fact that it doesn’t reliably stop the aforementioned threats and similar, there is hardly much reason to go with 100% PE plates. The materials used in Level 4 body armor vary depending on the manufacturer but generally include ceramic plates, steel plates, and/or polyethylene composite material. New. Early adopters in police and special forces military units can already attest to the Watch on. Law Enforcement: Point Blank, Armor Express, Safariland, Velocity Systems, Crye Precision, Tyr Tactical, US Armor I would only count Point Blank, Safariland, Velocity, and Crye as best in industry. This is a very efficient way to stop bullets. Shop level IV body armor at Spartan Armor Systems by clicking here. Here's a quick comparison: UHMWPE: Known for its great strength-to-weight ratio. Feb 16, 2024 · The decision between polyethylene and ceramic plates ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. Polyethylene armor is very light — lighter than any other material capable of addressing rifle threats. Expiration date. Guard Dog Body Armor’s Level IV ceramic 10”x12” plates are made from a combination Oct 2, 2023 · The military uses the highest level body armor: level 4. Guard Dog Body Armor UHMWPE-III-PLATE: Guard Dog Body Armor’s Level 3 10”x12” plates are constructed of an ultralight UHMWPE material and weigh an astonishing 2. So, my top pick in this Threat Level is the RMA Armament Hard Body Armor Plate. Ceramic and steel can also provide some level of protection. Our time-tested solutions meet or exceed XSAPI, ESAPI, SAPI, ESBI, NIJ and Special Threat specifications. They are also much thicker than inexpensive steel plates, these from AR500 measure 1. Level III Lightweight (Polyethylene) Rated Body Armor. Jul 13, 2023 · One of the primary advantages of polyethylene body armor is its significantly lighter weight compared to steel and ceramic alternatives. We also manufacture a Level 4 11x14 plate as well. Polyethylene (poly) technology offers the best protection at the lowest weight, thinnest, and greatest warranty (“product life”) over other materials. AR500 reached out and sent me the curved plate with the The Duritium III ICW (Advanced In Conjunction) plate offers full Level III rifle protection when used in conjunction with Level IIIA soft body armor. Jan 30, 2023 · The construction and design of Level 4 body armor are specifically engineered to provide maximum protection against ballistic threats while still allowing for mobility and comfort. Jun 13, 2023 · The various materials used in manufacturing soft body armor, such as Kevlar, Twaron, Spectra, Dyneema, and UHMWPE, each come with their unique advantages and disadvantages. 00 As low as $269. Aug 23, 2022 · Over the years, different armor materials have shown themselves to be particularly powerful for certain uses. Safe Life Defense Level 3A Vest. May 9, 2024 · For body armor, you typcially use one of three ceramic materials for a Level 4 strike face – alumina-oxide, silicon carbide or boron carbide. NIJ Level 4 tested by the US National Testing System to stop 7. 62x51mm, 7. And body armor tech is only getting better. 5 x 11. 5; Only 5. $649. 06ap) rifle bullet traveling at 2880 ft/s. As the history of body armor shows, while metal can be used for this purpose it is a less effective option than ceramic. Soft Body Armor vs Hard Body Armor. 99 $649. Jun 1, 2019 · Alternative backing materials are constantly being developed/assessed because the UHMWPE stock material is a very expensive option, and often in short supply. Aug 30, 2023 · Ceramic Body Armor Plate Storage. $99. Both have low backface deformation and are less expensive than polyethylene, which makes both of these exceptional options for rifle-rated protection. level IV, which is the highest level of ballistic protection available in the market, can stop armor-piercing 30. 62x51). Hard vs. BattleSteel offers the BattleSteel Level 4 10x12 Armor Plates Shooters Cut Single-Curve. At the same time, steel plates are heavier to wear. Nov 30, 2023 · Ceramic plates are known for their hardness and ability to dissipate energy upon impact, but they can be heavy and brittle. 30 Cal M2 AP @ 2887 ft/s @ 42 feet. 56x45mm rounds. With that goal in mind, we've simplified our body armor lineup to just four categories organized around the material used for the strike face of each product. Ceramic body armors are lightweight and can stop rifle Mar 7, 2024 · Kevlar: A go-to for soft armor due to its flexibility, comfort, and robust defense. It's much lighter than traditional materials, which makes it easier to wear for extended periods without compromising on protection. Make an informed decision about which material best suits your needs, whether it's Kevlar's proven track record or UHMWPE's lightweight design and enhanced multi-hit capability. 8″ . Small - (83/4 x 113/4 in) Plate Sizes available: 6x6, 6x8, 8x10, 10x12, 11x14. Body Armor Outlet is the home of the Suspiciously Cheap Plates. M193; or Green Tip round like the 5. Level III Ceramic Body Armor constructed of UHMWPE. Mar 20, 2017 · For this reason, the NIJ recommends inspecting in-use body armor at least once a year. 7 mm (. Josh Jones takes us on a deeper dive into the many differences between Steel, PE, and of course Ceramic. Midwest recently introduced the 1. Jan 14, 2022 · Steel Vs Ceramic Body Armor. Plus, both are surprisingly affordable, given their capabilities. RMA currently manufactures level 4 body armor in 6x6 side plate sizing and 10x12 for the front and back plate. The Lexington Response Kit. This level of armor is typically used by law enforcement, military personnel, and individuals who may be facing significant rifle threats. Plate Sizes available: 6x6, 6x8, 8x10, 10x12, 11x14, Small-Medium, Large and Xlarge SAPI. 48 $1,949. Find the protection that’s best for you by shopping our polyethylene body armor plates. com/ballistic-plates For everyday wear, concealable body armor provides excellent protection against most threats from common handgun rounds, including your own service weapon. Fits like a glove. $519. Plate shapes available : Flat, Single-curved, Multi-curved. C series: Ceramic. Kevlar and polyethylene are the two most common materials used to make armor to protect against knife attacks. Aug 4, 2022 · That is where level 4 ballistic plates come in. Order today! 1 Review. 06 Certified system made in Centerville, Iowa. A. The journey to finding the best body armor setup should start with the plates themselves, as they do the actual job of protecting your vital organs and are the most important consideration. Here are some key factors to consider when looking to choose between polyethylene and ceramic plates: Intended Use: You really need to look at what you are intending to use the body armor for. NIJ tested Level IV Armor will defeat 3 rifle round shots up to . 9 lbs this ceramic composite plate stops multiple armor-piercing rounds and is 35% lighter then average steel plate equivalent. In 2018, Benzait et al. 0. Jun 23, 2023 · Best Body Armor. Proper storage of body armor, both plates and carriers/vests, is crucial to maintain their effectiveness and longevity. Sep 27, 2023 · Discover how body armor is made, from steel and ceramic plates to flexible Kevlar and polyethylene fibers from Tacticon Armament. Soft body armor online from Atomic RMA Armament – 100% American Made Body Armor. Polyethylene Body Armor Plate Storage Features. Material: Ceramic with Nylon Wrap. Buy body armor gear for military, police and civilians. May 8, 2024 · Ceramic and Polyethylene Composite Level 3+ plates (such as the Highcom 3S14M and Hoplite 19513) weigh 3. Hard Body Armor Level IV. I'm holding a 10x12 plate. Aramid (Kevlar, Dyneema, etc. Our Ceramic and Polyethylene Composite Level 3+ plate options include the following: Highcom: 3S9M, 3S9, RSTP, 3S14M Hoplite/ LTC: 19513, 23707, 27919 & 3++ Shoulder Plates The key to our Level IV Body Armor’s lightweight strength lies in the combination of Alumina Oxide Ceramic (AI203) and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), which are both lighter and more durable than the steel used in most Level III armor. 5 pounds per 10x12 plate. Here at Tactical Scorpion Gear we manufacture our own vest carriers, Kevlar level IIIA vests and all our products. Which Body Armor Is Right For Me? Details: Stand Alone Armor; Full Edge-to-Edge Protection on its 6″ x 6″ Strikeface; Warranty: 10 Year Manufacturer’s Warranty; Armor Shape: Single-Curve; Armor Cut: Side Armor Cut; Weight: 2. $24. Hard plates are made from three basic materials: steel, ceramic, polyethylene, or combinations of materials. Our polyethylene armor plates fit most common carrier vests and complement Tactical Scorpion Gear’s own carrier vest line. On Sale! American Made. 06. So, if you are thinking of purchasing body armor to defeat the 30. For instance: steel armor is amazing at stopping multiple bullets — better than any other material. Price. Regular Price $497. Aug 19, 2019 · Manufactured using Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Hybrid Fibers, these plates weigh in at a mere 3. Will fit most common carrier vests ( We manufacturer a full line of quality carrier vests) C3 Ceramic Multi-Hit, Multi Curve Body Armor. 8x10 Body Armor Plate And also side plates (6x8) that can fit on the sides of your plate carriers. Custom sizes available by quote. A series: Alloy. PE: The Breakdown. A stand alone armor plate with multiple hit capability. com/wpsShop Body Armor: https://warrio Very happy with them. Like steel, ceramic body armor plates need to be kept in a place where it is not wet or too hot or cold. Both are significantly lighter than steel plates – polyethylene can be up to 70% lighter – enhancing the user’s comfort and mobility. 30 caliber rounds traveling between 2,850 and 2,910 fps. 06 Level 3 standards and is verified with Apr 12, 2022 · Steel plates are cheaper. 56mm / M80 7. Prolonged exposure to high temperatures can also degrade Polyethylene plates. The C3 is built for the warzone. 7lbs +/- . Made from advanced ceramic composites, this plate is not only highly effective but also lighter than traditional steel plates, reducing the load on the wearer and allowing for greater mobility. 2lbs per Medium/ 10x12 plate. 8g (166gr) and a velocity of 2,880 ft/s (+/- 30 ft/s). Note: The C3 was shipped in November and December with a spray coating to expedite operations. Q & A. This protection level can beat the typical armor-piercing bullets from military-grade weapons and technology. galls. Shop Now. 06 calibers, level IV is the way to go. Elaphros Gen 2 Lightweight Body Armor. It provides level 4 body armor protection and is tested to stop multiple . Primarily, the RMA’s Level IV body armor plate (Model #1155) is an NIJ Guide-0101. The best NIJ 3A, 3, and 4 body armor vests, armor plates, ballistic helmets, bulletproof shields, backpacks, and other equipment. Bulletproofing USA and its allies to keep them bulletproof. Polyethylene isn’t know to perform well against AP and mild steel core ammunition like M855. ): A well-known aramid fiber that's been used in body armor for years. Their ceramic body armor has a multi-hit capability, which means it can withstand multiple hits from bullets and other ballistic threats without losing its effectiveness. In this article, we will be talking about two common materials used in soft body armor, UHMWPE vs Kevlar. 62x39mm, and 5. This article is of particular importance to me coming from a family who served their county and community in the military and law Aug 9, 2023 · Level III Body Armor is hard armor, made from materials like polyethylene, steel, or ceramic. Extreme Impact Protection Foam Poron XRD by Battle Steel®️. 30 caliber AP rounds: A popular choice for military personnel, this level 4 armor plate is developed 100% in-house in the United States, is composed of ceramic and polyethylene materials, and is Jul 27, 2023 · Level IV body armor standards are designed to stop armor piercing rounds. 62x63mm AP. FREE Delivery. Covering: 600D nylon with edge padding. The polyethylene plates are positively buoyant, and the polyurea liner provides protection from UV, salt water, gasoline, and JP fuels. Please note: certain restrictions apply. You may then ask: Ceramic is good against all threats you should face and is generally trustable. Nominal thickness - 1". Position of Body Armor Plates, SAPI Cut I'm about 5'10", 170 pounds, and wear a large t-shirt and size 42 suit. 25-inch thick FM3+ plate ($599), adding ceramic to the mix and allowing it to stop M855. Comparing Body Armor Types: Steel vs. Plate Sizes available: 6x6, 6x8, 8x10, 10x12, 11x14. These products will often carry a “stab resistant” or “slash proof” designation. Steel vs. Jun 29, 2023 · Get a 2 week free trial with my sponsor Aura and see if your personal information has been leaked online: https://aura. Jul 15, 2019 · The materials, especially in soft armor, break down over time and can accelerate depending on conditions. soft body armor. Full plate UHMWPE. If you have any questions about our personal armor systems, give us a call at (520) 396-3335, or send us a message Feb 28, 2023 · Spartan Armor Systems® is known for producing high-quality ceramic body armor. Understanding these materials and their properties can help users make informed choices about the type of body armor that best suits their needs. Military designation M2 AP) with a specified mass of 10. Ceramic: Lighter than steel and more affordable than polyethylene, suitable for hard armor. 1 Review. The NIJ (National Institute of Justice) standard 0101. $449. Features. 50 caliber) rifle bullets. This lightweight, multi-hit, multi-curve, thin, less bulky, durable polyethylene ICW body armor plate also includes an industry-leading standard 15-year warranty. Don’t store in a low-airflow environment; this can lead to moisture build-up and potential mold growth. Polyethylene plates also tend to be thicker. You may want to experiment with various bulletproof vests. Multi-hit assurance. The lightweight nature of UHMWPE enhances mobility, a critical factor for those who rely on body armor in dynamic situations. Body armor plates protection against the popular . Some of our products come with industry-leading warranties. 6 or 8. Hercules LITE Level RF2/III+ Lightweight Body Armor Plates - Set of Two. On the other hand, if you face a threat with powerful projectiles, protection with hard armor or ballistic plates is best. For full face ceramic plates see the M4+ models. Spartan Armor Systems light weight ceramic and composite level III, level IIIA level III+, and level IV body armor plates. Level IV is the highest rating of personal body armor. Its ceramic/polyethylene laminate stops multiple rounds of M2 AP. UHMWPE provides a compelling alternative, combining flexibility with exceptional strength. 85″ x 11. 07 standards set forth by the Fully tested by independent Lab ( documentation sent by request) NIJ tested Level IV Armor will defeat 3 rifle round shots up to . 06 level 4 Standards, it provides ultimate protection against armor-piercing rounds. Light-weight NIJ compliant panel, tested and verified to meet or exceed ballistic resistance under NIJ-0101. They should also be handled with care, as they can crack if dropped or hit hard. RMA Armament is a manufacturer of American-Made ballistic body armor and tactical gear supplier. xl pk kx jl rw ow eu bz ap zv